Camco offers directional drilling, measurement (MWD) and logging-while-drilling (LWD) services for oil companies in Libya, with technical and operational real-time support, using the industry’s most advanced technology.
As the exclusive provider of onshore directional drilling services in Libya, using Baker Hughes’s technology, the Camco team can quickly reach a reservoir’s most productive zone. Boosting productivity and minimizing cost, the Camco team can reach a well’s target depth more quickly, maximize drilling efficiency and wellbore placement and give operators real-time reservoir insights.
Camco provides operators with a broad range of drilling solutions including high-performance motors and rotary steerable systems (RSS), which unlike conventional RSS systems, allows operators to proactively adjust the well path, with continuous, proportional steering. The Camco team use LWD and MWD technology that integrates drilling and evaluation simultaneously offering answers while drilling and allowing total understanding of the reservoir and drilling environment which ensures informed decisions for maximum recovery.